Anna Foundation
Our first success story is from Anna Foundation in Cape Town (click here for website). This is a remarkable organization that helps children in rural areas to bridge the gap to their urban counterpart. They have an effective program called "3 R’s", which stands for Reading, Running and Righting. In order for children to become part of the running club, they had to read 2 books per week. The 3rd R-Righting - was introduced to address the importance of positive self-esteem and self-worth, and help teach children different life skills.
First we thought this was a great opportunity to provide the phones to children in rural areas, but we quickly learned that this may not be the best way to help these children. First, children with valuable items are vulnerable, so an expensive phone can expose the child to violence. Second, and more importantly, the facilitators from the Anna Foundation that are running these program in rural areas do not have cell phones themselves! So the focus shifted to provide cell phones to the facilitators so they can communicate with their main hub in Cape Town, which will help to make these programs a success. This way a single phone can help multiple children! Below are a couple of photos of two facilitators with phones from lifeline 4 Africa.
We realize that this is just a small drop in a huge bucket, but we are super happy to start our journey to make a difference. Help us by donating a phone!

Johanna van der Ross
Where is she from: Lives in a farming community (Riverside) approximately 5km outside the town of Robertson, Western Cape, South Africa
What she does: She is a facilitator for the Anna Foundation and assists children from grade 4 – 7 with academic work, sports programs and life skills. She is also the cook at the project as well as the senior contact person responsible for the project

Hannelie van der Merwe
Where is she from: Lives in a farming community approximately 10km outside Worcester, on a farm called Leipzig (Western Cape, South Africa).
What does she do: She is a facilitator for the Anna Foundation and assists children in grade 5 and 6 with academic work, sports programmes and life skills. She is the senior contact person responsible for the project.